
Carboxytherapy, Lose Weight and Slimming Methods

What is Carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy Therapy is the new, simple and proven technique that can dramatically improve the appearance of cellulite by improving local tissue metabolism and perfusion. Treatments are rapid, comfortable and effective for a high percentage of patients.

How is Carboxytherapy performed?

It is a non surgical method. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissue through a tiny 30G needle (0.3mm in diameter). From the injection point, the carbon dioxide diffuses easily into adjacent tissues.

How does the carbon dioxide work?

Carboxytherapy Therapy works in two complimentary ways. Firstly, and quite simply carbon dioxide mechanically kills fat cells. Secondly, it also has a strong vasodilatory effect (causes dilation of blood vessels) on the capillaries in the area. Wider vessels mean bigger and stronger blood flow to the area, which means more oxygen. The increase in oxygen is important because it eliminates the built up fluid from between the cells. The end result is fewer fat cells and firmer subcutaneous tissue.

Is it painful?

No. Some patients can experience a light tingling sensation near the injection site. It disappears within a matter of seconds. As a result of the increased circulation, the area surrounding the injection site may feel warmer for 10 to 20 minutes.

What should I avoid after treatment?

Avoid emerging in water for 4 hours after the treatment such as baths, swimming, or saunas.

How many sessions are necessary?

Between 15 and 20 sessions are necessary to eliminate cellulite. Ideally they should be carried out every other day, although sometimes two or even one session per week will be enough. This will depend on the extent of your cellulite. Each session lasts between 10 to 15 minutes.

How many sessions before I see an improvement?

After the 5th session you will see that your skin looks noticeably healthier. Around the 8-10 session mark, you will appreciate that your subcutaneous tissue is firmer. Before the treatment program ends you will have firmer, cellulite free skin.

How long do the benefits last?

This depends entirely on you. If you choose to follow a healthy diet complemented by regular exercise, the cellulite can stay away for years. If you tend to succumb to culinary temptations and never quite find the time for that 10km run, the cellulite will return much quicker. On average, it'll be 5 to 6 months before you see it starting to creep back in. It's best to nip it in the bud at this stage. If you're vigilant, 3 to 5 sessions will get you back to smooth firm skin.

Isn't carbon dioxide toxic?

No. Carbon dioxide is naturally produced by the cells in our bodies every day of our life. It is a by product of metabolism. It is transported in the blood and exhaled through the lungs. In a study done published in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, no important side effects were linked to CO2 treatment. The study found that CO2 therapy is a safe therapy with no relevant side effects. Because of its lipolytic properties and positive effect on skin elasticity, CO2 therapy could play a useful role as a complement to surgical liposuction for the treatment of persistent skin irregularity.


Mesotherapy, Lose Weight and Slimming Methods

Mesotherapy is widely practiced in France as a weight-loss technique, but it hasn't caught on in the U.S. And some doctors are glad about that.
It should come as no surprise that France, land of l'amour, has come up with a way to give us the svelte, sexy bodies we crave. But even if you can afford it (it's not cheap and it's not covered by insurance), is it something you should consider? Like many therapies that loosely come under the heading of "alternative medicine," it all depends on whom you ask.

The French-imported medical technique that's all the buzz these days is called mesotherapy. Developed in 1952 in France by Dr. Michel Pistor, originally for the treatment of vascular and infectious diseases, sports injuries, and the improvement of circulation, the technique involves the injection of small amounts of various medications into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and connective tissue under the skin. The theory is that when these small amounts of medication are injected into the mesoderm, underlying fat is melted.

Since 1952, approximately 15,000 doctors in France and South America have been using mesotherapy, and now doctors in the U.S. are rapidly jumping on the bandwagon. In August, about 40 doctors attended the first intensive course in mesotherapy offered in the U.S. Prior to this course, presented by the International Society of Mesotherapy and the Pan American Mesotherapy Society, doctors had to travel to France to be trained.
"Spectacular" Results
One of those who did just that is Marion Shapiro, DO, a former emergency room doctor who is the director of Mesotherapy Associates PC in New York City and West Orange, N.J. Since opening her practice last year, Shapiro sees approximately 150 patients a week. Mesotherapy doesn't work in approximately 5% of patients, says Shapiro, but in the other 95%, "the results are spectacular."

Patients come to Shapiro seeking a quick fix for
cellulite, spot weight reduction, or overall weight loss. The compounds injected depend upon what Shapiro is trying to treat -- i.e. cellulite vs. fat -- but generally include a combination of medications such as aminophylline and Novocain and plant extracts and vitamins. The compounds injected are all FDA-approved for their original use, says Shapiro. But they have not been approved specifically for mesotherapy.

According to Shapiro, mesotherapy can be used to treat everyone, from obese people who need treatment on the trunk, abdomen, buttocks, arms, and legs, as well as those who are generally thin but frustrated at dealing with stubborn fatty areas such as saddlebags or love handles. After the fat is melted, it is naturally excreted. Unlike endermologie, a noninvasive technique of treating cellulite, mesotherapy is permanent, says Shapiro, provided the patient doesn't gain the weight back. In order to facilitate more rapid results for her patients and help them keep the weight off in the future, Shapiro gives each of her patients what she calls a "Meso Meal Plan."
Some patients report seeing results after only the first treatment, but the majority report losing a dress size or belt notches after approximately four treatments, says Shapiro. For weight loss and/or cellulite reduction, Shapiro recommends 5 to 10 sessions; the number of injections at each session varies, from 50 to 150.

Because the injections are given with a chemical injector or "meso-gun" using a very tiny needle, patients generally report feeling no more sensation than an ant bite. The cost for each session ranges from $400 to $500. Not cheap, but as Shapiro says, "In the long run, it's significantly less than the price of liposuction "
Shapiro will see anyone between the ages of 18 and 70 who is in good health. Those who are on blood thinners, have blood clots or heart arrhythmia, or are pregnant or undergoing treatment for cancer, diabetes
, or other significant major medical problems are not good candidates for the treatment.

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